Psychomotricity in the times of Flatlandia and Pollicina: an introduction to the topic


Paola Manuzzi


In a rapidly changing society like our own, educational psychomotricity must also review its own scenarios, proposals and languages, defining a new perspective that is sensitive to relational interfaces in rapidly evolving educational contexts.



Action, mobilisation of affections and thought.

The role of bodiliness in educational contexts


Andrea Bonifacio, Giulio Santini


The correlations existing between movement, action, bodiliness, the expression of affections and the mobilisation of thought in early childhood development, with particular attention to psychomotricity in the field of education and prevention.



Dialogue between adults and children: the contribution of psychomotricity


Ferruccio Cartacci


Integrating studies into primary dyadic relationships and the primary triad with psychomotricity thought, the pedagogic hypothesis investigated is based on the trust in the intrinsic competences of the child and the centrality of the processes of bodily tuning.



Psychomotor play and school


Giuseppe Nicolodi


Psychomotor play at school to prevent children's discomfort and an educational strategy for tackling educational difficulties; a reflection on the different ways that psychomotricity can be used in school, through a long-standing collaboration in the training field with the education department of the Municipality of Bologna.



Following the traces of personal bodily expressiveness


Tiziana Andrenelli


Starting from bodily education workshops for adults working in education, connections between personal experience and professional intervention emerge. Through some examples taken from personal experience, theoretical, practical and personal knowledge come together and trigger new personal ways of communicating and relating to others.



The meaning and awareness of educational action

From the psychomotricity viewpoint


Claudia Fazzioli, Graziana Ferlini


Over a twenty-year period, the “GiochiSaltiCapriole” centre has offered psychomotricity experiences to infant and primary school teachers and educators, and investigates the meaning of educational action that is not traceable to a single model, as the actors in their care are developing, and the adults with them.



Psychomotricity expert interventions in educational fields


Anton Maria Chiossone


In Italy, psychomotricity and school have crossed paths in the last 40 years; today the context has changed, the psychomotricity expert has become defined within professional regulations that have changed, but there are still spaces and regulations that allow us to use the competences and experience of psychomotricity experts in schools and in the community.





Growing and being already grown up


Andrea Canevaro


If you are growing, your place in the world and in its history is not yet clear. If you have grown, you have found that place, for better or for worse, thanks to your own skills, but also thanks to others who have supported you. The others: perhaps this is the link between being young and being grown-up. Talking about and working in these realities as if they were the same thing, neglecting fundamental aspects, can create misunderstanding, and even damage.



Practice and narration of the body in the consumer culture


Rossella Ghigi


Today sociology deals with consumption of the body in its two-fold meaning of bodies that consume goods and services, but also bodies that are consumed in everyday practices. Aspects of the way in which the contemporary consumer culture challenges the bodily experience, underlining elements of continuity with the past, the specific elements of the current age and the possible experiences of resistance.



Body-word, word-body: a metaphor of regeneration


Milena Bernardi


Bodily communication, theatrical narration, children's literature, stories. A point of view on an educational path to touch, see and feel the dimension of symbols with the hands, the feet, the voice and the mind, in the relationship with childhood.



Child science and laboratories of discovery


Paola Manuzzi


Some forms of children’s spontaneous play are a first approach to scientific thought, with the typical methods of the child culture. How to support the action of child thought, inspired by the critical review of a classic psychomotricity text and a project run at the “Golinelli” Foundation in Bologna.



The role of observation in education: construction and implementation of educational and preventive psychomotricity paths


Alessandra Sansavini


Through observations conducted with systematic procedures, we can understand children’s behaviour when taking part in psychomotricity activities and understand the cognitive and emotional meaning, on the basis of the theoretical knowledge we possess. For this purpose, it is fundamental to understand the phases and processes of the child’s psycho-physical, linguistic, communicative and relational development.





Development paths for educational and preventive psychomotricity in the Bologna area


Luisa Formenti, Lucia Petroni


The developments of a psychomotricity project both in educational and school settings and in psychomotricity centres, with the active involvement of the families and in a logic of full integration with the local childhood services.



The moment of reprocessing play in educational psychomotricity practices


Lucrezia Bravo


Within the various types of play that can be explored in educational psychomotricity practice, ways of representation can be enhanced and explored also through the use of different multi-sensory materials, to stimulate self-narration as a fertile ground for reprocessing play experiences.



Stories of water


Fabio Comunello, Eraldo Berti


Children’s relationship with water is almost always a happy one: it is a means for playing, exploring, pouring, wetting, drinking, immersing, dunking, colouring… A careful, sensitive investigation of children’s motor expressiveness captures and documents the emotion of discovering and learning through this natural element.



What the parents say


Eliana Porretta


A survey of a group of parents allowed us to find out what they know and what they have understood about the psychomotricity activities experienced by their children. Through their answers, the importance of interaction between schools and families has been confirmed, highlighting some criticalities concerning feedback.



Psychomotricity and inclusion


Alessandro Bortolotti


Psychomotor activities confirm that anyone can benefit from its inclusive effects, provided that the intervention is recognised. When the roles and expectations about the intervention are not clear to the users, there is a risk that the - however valid - repercussions for learning may be lost in translation.



Learning psychomotor sensitivity in the nursery

The experience at the “I Passerotti” nursery in Bologna and its repercussions on everyday educational practices


Stefania Baldisserri, Erika Vassallo


In which direction and in what sense, from the educational experience of psychomotor play and the observations at the nursery, do “transforming” signs emerge that psychomotor competences and sensitivities have generated in educational practices that are adopted in the centre today.



Imagining a space: the “Tante lune” centre in Ravenna


Simona Scacco


An educational and play space connoted by the adoption of a psychomotor viewpoint offering a transversal look at education, proposing a method that supports and stimulates projects even “outside the class”.


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